Our award-winning CSR program secures a work environment that is equal for all

Our award-winning CSR program secures a work environment that is equal for all

There is no doubt that it is easy to take equal rights for granted, including rights for minorities and people with disabilities. As a company, we recognize that many people around the globe don’t have equal rights or opportunities. Therefore, we are actively working on securing a work environment that focuses on equal rights. We also provide job training and opportunities for people with disabilities in our office in Vietnam.

Global responsibilities - Local actions

As a global company with more than 800 employees worldwide, we are committed to taking on responsibility – both for our employees and society.

Our focus is on Vietnam, the location of our biggest office with more than 600 employees. Here, we collaborate with local NGO “Will to Live,” the Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and “Hanoi Association for People with Disabilities” to provide continuous job training and job opportunities for people with disabilities.

Committed to diversity and inclusion

Committed to diversity and inclusion

Committed to diversity and inclusion

As of January 2019, 12% of our staff in Vietnam are people with disabilities.

Furthermore, we find education very important. During the last few years, we have trained more than 100 sex workers in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, offering jobs to 15 of the trainees. Today, 34.2% of our staff in Vietnam are female.

Since 2010, we have also been an active member of the Global Compact Initiative under the United Nations, an initiative committed to human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.